Meet the architecturally trained artist, Laurence Srinivasan:

Studio for Metropolitan Crafts

1. What were your inspirations, for creating the line?
We've been doing tabletop sculpture, architectural models. We started to look at the city map as an object. So many of us use the Google Maps online everyday. I think the map use has really grown since they've become such useful online tools. So I wanted the interactive map to become something physical, and using the lasercut cork seemed to be the best way to make it interactive... in the same way that online maps are interactive. With a CorkMap, everyone can personalize the map and make it reflect their own life in the city. Being city-dwellers, we're always making plans and lists-- and having a city map on which to place those plans seemed kind of fun.

2. What is the most rewarding aspect of what you do?
Rewarding aspect of what I do, is I suppose when the products take on a life of their own- and it enters into the public. I do like to see good design appreciated by many. Also, I like to draw attention to something that is often overlooked, and take a second look to appreciate it..

Cork Map San Francisco

3. What is the most challenging aspect?
There are many challenges. Designing new products goes through many stages. I try to make something high quality, with good details, creativity, uniqueness, great packaging. Working with the price is a challenge- and a reward. The price needs to be factored in while designing the object. But not too early in the process I think, or it can kill a project!

4. Why should a customer purchase your products?
I would say that's up to the customer. I know I buy a product when it gives me a sort of vision and inspiration of something I like. I always buy quality too. When buying art, or table top sculpture- you want it to augment your environment at home, show whimsy perhaps, and maybe be a conversation starter. I try to make something that will do that.

August 07, 2015 by admin admin

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