Baby and Home Murals

We are proud to have Scott Welsh on our floor as one of our design associates at Aldea Home + Baby. Not only a talented and skilled salesperson but an amazing designer. He designed the mural in the photo and we thought you might like to have a little peak into his inspiration and background.

Scott has been painting since the 5th grade, he began when he attended an art summer camp and learned that art was a way he learned he could define himself. He had an aunt who was an artist and she inspired him to follow his dream of pursuing the arts.

Scott's first mural work was at a kid's museum in a aquarium, he was inspired by that work and is excited to keep exploring murals.

When we asked Scott to work on this piece for us, one of the things that was a challenge was the time restraints that it presented. We are open 10 till 7 almost every day and it is challenging to work on a live floor when people are shopping around you. Scott said one of the best things about doing a "live" work are people's reactions to his work when they saw his progress.

We are working on the next mural for the store, this one will be in the window and will be a treehouse theme.

We are excited to offer this as an option to our new parents and see it as an exciting way to make your space uniquely your own. Create your own fantasy space or we can do it for you!

Please email us at if you are interested in pricing.

July 27, 2017 by Deric Carner

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