Franchise Opportunity
24 Piece Squigz Starter Set
Brand Fat Brains
Squigz are fun little suckers.
Apply pressure to two Squigz. Air rushes out and the fun rushes in.
Connecting to each other and to any solid, non-porous surface - Squigz are a species all their own. They flex. They stick. They suck people into creativity.
Once they take hold, it takes some pull to separate them. When Squigz POP. in protest - you’ll have to admit your hands and ears are shamelessly delighted.
They are flexible fellows and committed joiners. Squigz and fellow Squigz have one chief enterprise - creating things. Willingly, they assemble to become rockets, vehicles, a cushion for the cat, jewelry they thrill in uniting as a ginormous octopus or squid